Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New me ( I hope) :)

Well, here we are again...slacking for a few months (my bad). It is now January 6, 2010 and as most people do, I have made a New Years resolution to lose weight. The nice thing about this is I started a few weeks early by joining Weight Watchers at work on December 16th. I have made some awesome progress in these last few week by dropping almost 13 pounds! I lost 9.2 the first week, and 3.6 last week. Not bad for starting over Christmas!!! Now I just hope I did well this past week....more to come later today as Wednesday's are weigh in day!

Other then that, I can't say the new year is off to a good start. Both Joe and I were sick over thte weekend, then to top it off, we got a phone call from the police dept. yesterday saying our car was one of 15 that were broken into. The cop also said there was a break in over the weekend as well, and they had a remote to the garage and cut the wires to the security cameras in the garage. When I asked the apartment manager yesterday why the remote code wasnt changed after the other break-in, she got all defensive and asked where I heard about another break-in. The funny thing is there was a memo left at all apartments saying "It's that time of year again to re-code the remotes" and nothing was mentioned about the break-in. Grrrrr.

Anyways, I will part now. I hope to have good news later today that I either maintained where I was last week, or that I lost more....hoping for the second one ;). I plan to make better efffort to blog as this will be a great place to log my goals and efforts on my weight loss journey!


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