Friday, November 28, 2008

And the good times begin.....

Happy day after Thanksgiving! Well here I am again, late in posting. Hope all had a great time with family and friends. The busy time of year is OFFICIALLY here....yikes!!! Being in retail, I start to dread this time of year.

We spent the holiday with my brother and his family (15 people total when you add in sis-in-law family). We were missing my oldest brother and his family as they went to his in-laws house. It was a nice day, spent with fun people.

Well since the last post, the movie that I have been waiting for FINALLY came out- Twilight! Joe and I went to the midnight screening and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. Some things were out of place from the book, but overall I would go see it again. My 13 year old niece finally got into readint the books, and now we are planning to see the movie together soon. I can't wait!

This weekend will be pretty low key. joe works all weekend, leaving me to fend for myself. I may head off to Archiver's to work on my Christmas cards so I can get them out soon.



1 comment:

Craft Girl ! said...

Hope you made some good headway on your cards ! I know I need to get back to mine as well ! Toooo many projects sooo little time.