Thursday, July 10, 2008

Scary news

Sorry I missed my posting yesterday. I received a call from my Dad as I was leaving telling me my Mom was in the hospital complaining of chest pains. I guess they had adjusted her blood pressure meds over a month ago, and she has had pains on and off since then, but never said anything. She had gone in for a follow-up appointment yesterday, and the doctor said she needed to go to the emergency room. Needless to say, they admitted her and ran more tests.

She seems to be doing better then my dad at the moment. They have been married 48 years, and have rarely spent a night apart. I feel bad as I see my dad struggling with the fact he can't do anything to help her with her pain. I can say I know that feeling as well as Joe was in the hospital for 2 weeks in 2003. I felt so alone and helpless.

So far, they have eliminated a blood clot, leaving the focus now on her heart. They will inject her with something today to speed up her heart and monitor her some more. She seems to be doing better then my dad at the moment. They have been married 48 years, and have rarely spent a night apart. I feel bad as I see my dad struggling with the fact he can't do anything to help her with her pain. I can say I know that feeling as well as Joe was in the hospital for 2 weeks in 2003. I felt so alone and helpless.

I will post later when I find out more info. Below is a picture I took of them about 5 years ago (sorry for the bad quality as this is a picture of a picture).

1 comment:

Craft Girl ! said...

I hope your Mom will get better soon. I will keep them both in my prayer !