Monday, February 21, 2011

Mother Nature SUCKS!!

I had another successful week last week and lost another 3 pounds. Joe dropped 1.8 and is inching closer to the 75 mark!! Woohooooo!! I am still inching closer to being out of the 200's....hoping for next week. Keep your fingers crossed.

My parents left for Florida last Wednesday for a month...lucky dogs! We had some beautiful weather Wed- Fri, but the weekend came around, and so did the cold and that dreaded four letter word...SNOW! OMG....we totally got dumped on. Minneapolis ranged anywhere from 10-18 inches. Driving sucked....took me over 30 minutes to get home from work last night, when it usually only takes me 5. Then of course, Mom Nature was not done with us, and she added another 1-3 inches today. Days like today make me ask why I still live in Minnesota. I love having the seasons, but I am getting really tired of this

Until next time....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Happy "almost" Valentine's Day

Hello 2011!!

My apologies yet again for my lack of posting. January is always so busy with work, and additional Christmas celebrations with Joe's family, New Year's Eve (our anniversary), etc.

Well, my weight loss journey still continues. Since my last post, I am down 10.4 pounds, for a total of 135+, and Joe is down 71....ROCK ON!!! I had a 3 pound loss this week!! Soon I will be out of the 200's and saying HELLO 100's! I can't even tell you how long it has been since I weighed what I do now, much less being in the hundreds. I can't wait!!

I have been having a blast shopping for new clothes, and I have to say store sales and Turnstyle have been my best friends. I stopped at Turnstyle the other day and walked out with a brand new pair of shorts (for my Vegas trip), and 3 skirts for under 22.00. I even picked up items that were so not the old me...LOVE IT!!

Well I need to run for now. Wishing everyone a very Happy Valentine's day and see you next week!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Merry Christmas, happy New Year....yada, yada, yada

Happy Holidays!

What a busy time this past few weeks have been. My apologies for mising posts the last 2 weeks, but as they say, Life got in the way.

I had a pretty successful 2 weeks since the past post...dropped 2.6 the Wed. prior to Christmas, and maintained last week (pretty good considering all the pot lucks, Christmas, etc). I feel good about the last few weigh ins.

A while back “Star Wars – The Empire Strikes Back” was on. I haven’t seen it in years. So, I spent the night vegging in front of the TV. It was great! Although now I want to see all of them again. Anyways, while Luke is training to be a Jedi Yoda is sharing his knowledge with him and something he said jumped at me. Actually, several things did but I’m going to only hit one for now.

While Luke is training he continually fails and says, “I can’t”. But Yoda continues to teach and he says something very profound. “You must unlearn what you have learned.” Wow! How true is that? So many of us fail time and time again and we feel like we just can’t do it. Whatever ‘it’ might be; losing weight, stopping negative thoughts, letting go of the past, creating healthy habits; you fill in the blank. The point is from the time we are born we are being taught. But when we make the decision to change our lifestyle we find ourselves in Luke’s shoes. We are trying to live a new way of living through the eyes of our old one.

We must learn to unlearn what we have learned. This happens as we take each step one at a time. You've spent years learning how to be unhealthy, so it's not going to change over night. It is a learning process. Spend time reading articles, research new recipes, exercises or healthy activities. Spend time with people that have the same goals. The more you put in the more that will begin to come out and bear fruit in your life.

Want to stop feeling like a failure? Start unlearning what you have learned. That Yoda guy’s pretty smart.

Something to think about....

Until next time!