Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Oops...time got away again

Man where has the time gone? I have not posted since Aug. 27.

This past weekend, Michelle, Angie and I met at Archiver's for another craft day. This was the first time Angie has joined us, and I hope she had a good time. It was not as productive as most days have been in the past, but it was just fun spending time with good friends and to be out of the house :). I did get a few more pages done in my scrapbook, and only have 9 more pages to go (as I don't want to add anymore to the book- it is getting too fat). I plan to have this done at our next outing so I can start another scrapbook- maybe from my Memphis trip last year Aug, or the most recent Vegas trip from June. We will see.

I also made a few cards, as well as some bookmarks. Angie brought her Cuttlebug and I was having a field day with it. I will have to make a few more bookmarks for a book basket we are creating at work. Maybe I can get those done tonight. Below are pictures of the card and bookmark.

The below pictures are from the 2nd trip to the State Fair on Labor Day. To honor Minnesota's 150 year anniversay of statehood, this mural was made. Though you cannot read this, there is a list on both sides of the mural showing all of the counties in the state. The images making up the letters are things associated with the state- the Lady Slipper (state flower), Paul Bunyon, the state capitol, etc. This is a new permanent fixture at the fair.

Well, time to run. Until next time...TTFN :)